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  • STAYING POSITIVE AND HEALTHY DURING A PANDEMIC (BC The Mag Fall 2020 Health, Beauty & Fitness issue)

    STAYING POSITIVE DURING A PANDEMIC By Stacie Rose There has been so much research on the power of positivity and how a sunny (glass half full) outlook can impact your health for the better. The thing is, maintaining a positive outlook during the best of times can be positively challenging and takes intentional effort and tenacity. We live in a fast-paced world where productivity, accountability, and overachievement are envied by many and awarded high praise.  A global pandemic is a new concept for most of us. The world seems upside down and life as we know if has been flipped and flopped and all our plans have been tossed like a salad. So, how can we pull off positivity? There are a few ways in which we can lift our collective spirits. The first one is simple and often gets lost in life’s perpetual shuffle. It’s gratitude. Every day there is a reason to rejoice. Even if it is one solitary reason. Even if we must search ourselves to find that reason. There is always something to be thankful for. You can show gratitude for things large and small. It doesn’t matter what gives you that internal warmth as long as it is meaningful to you. A butterfly sailing by, a warm cup of tea, family, a teacher, a nourishing meal, a new friend, the sunshine, the snow, another day, breath, air, trees, a renewed season of your favorite series, music, the cosmos, a kind word, a new idea, a memory a melody, a good book… it all counts. Any amount of gratitude you can practice or muster in the morning, the afternoon, or just before you drift to sleep has the potential to alter your mind space, your mood, and the way your feel in your body. Next up, is making the mundane meaningful. We have to alter our perception a bit nowadays. You may look at this as a silver lining, or chance to reframe things. Savoring a meal that you have prepared instead of rushing through it is a good start. Conversations with friends and family can give you a real boost. Enjoying the silence, the sounds and your surroundings in ways you hadn’t before can be a gamechanger. Breathing in each moment, or at least some of them can be grounding. Noticing beautiful things about loved ones and sharing your admiration can support connectivity, which we all so greatly need. A warm shower can be a chance to regroup. A walk is an opportunity to shake off negativity and recalibrate. Mindful eating is vital in the best of ti. We have to alter our perception a bit nowadays. You may look at this as a silver lining, or a chance to reframe things. Savoring a meal that you have prepared instead of rushing through it is a good start. Conversations with friends and family can give you a real boost. Enjoying the silence, the sounds and your surroundings in ways you hadn’t before can be a gamechanger. Breathing in each moment, or at least some of them can be grounding. Noticing beautiful things about loved ones and sharing your admiration can support connectivity, which we all so greatly need. A warm shower can be a chance to regroup. A walk is an opportunity to shake off negativity and recalibrate.ood preparation can be simple and fast. It’s a small thing we can do with huge benefits and t’s all about good ingredients. The best things in life often are. The 80/20 rule is always a good way to approach food. Eat well eighty percent of the time. This should leave room for some indulging which can be uplifting during challenging times. Once again, it all depends on your personal condition, needs, restrictions, and preference. Moving your body is a must. Staying strong, agile, fit, flexible, an d fluid will serve you well, especially during times like these. Many things are beyond our control. However, you can set your own course when it comes to exercise and stick to it. It could be twenty minutes of yoga a few times a week, a bike ride, a brisk walk, or a daily appointment with a fitness app. The best things to do the ones that make you feel strong, uplifted, and happy in your own skin. It’s not about perfection. It’s about positivity. We all know that exercise can help our bodies release endorphins and help us mitigate stress and negativity. Any positive result of exercise is a win. Your muscles long to be used. Motion is lotion, which means that too much time on the sofa will likely have you feeling tight and edgy. Don’t forget how precious your body is and the work it is capable of doing, especially now. Engaging in even moderate exercise can be a big help with sleep. During troubling times many find sleep to be as elusive a unicorn. You can only imagine how significant sleep can be in keeping our systems from breaking down and becoming vulnerable during a pandemic. Some people hit the pillow and it’s lights out! Others really struggle to wind down. Having some tools, and nighttime rituals can be essential. You may opt for a book of positive passages or quotes to read before bed, to drink a cup of hot water or golden milk, time to sink into a novel, meditate, watch a little TV, take a bath, light a candle and set the stage for a solid night of sleep. It may sound like a lot of trouble but a good night of sleep is worth a lot. Your health and state of mind depend on it. There are other ways to keep the tank full and the mind/body connection working during unprecedented times like these. Make sure you feel supported. Ask for support if you need it. Lend your ear, your skills, and times to help others who may be struggling. Create solace. This may mean turning off the news if it’s making you sick or saying no to something that is stress-inducing. Be your own advocate. Wellness is something we must work at. Stay social in ways that are comfortable for you. Social media can be a wonderful way to stay connected but is not for everybody. Organize a walk with a neighbor, a call with a friend, a zoom or Facetime session with people you are missing. It’s important to engage with other humans who are feeling a lot of the same things. When we share our thoughts, our fears, and our triumphs our struggles feel less overwhelming. Taking up something new is another way to stay positive. Whether it’s an instrument or a crossword puzzle, knitting or becoming a pet owner, learning a language, or gardening, there is something amazingly uplifting about embarking on a new adventure. Take time for daily rituals and give yourself grace. Be patient and unjudgmental. Give yourself a pass if you start to fall into a rabbit hole of negativity. These are tough times. Pull yourself out and turn it around or ask for help if you need it. We are all in this together and there is strength and hope in knowing that. You are amazing and special; love is all around and this too shall pass in time. Keep noticing life’s treasures, pleasures, and those shimmering silver linings. ####


    Last night I dreamed I was eating strawberries. Last night I dreamed I was eating ripe, red, luscious strawberries... and spitting most of them out for fear of an allergic reaction. I remember how I felt in my dream. If I ingested a small portion and had an allergic reaction, I could manage that. If I ate a whole handful of strawberries it could put me over the edge. It’s always the “if” that makes it tough for me. I have a healthy relationship with food for the most part. I like variety, spice, healthy, wholesome, seasonal, well-prepared and multi-ethnic foods. I am not a calorie counter or a body shamer. I have been down that road and I feel I have a very solid, natural loving relationship with regard to eating and my body. That said, I am allergic to a lot of things. A lot, a lot of things! This creates a growing fear of food and the way certain ones may affect me. Anybody who loves me lives with me or has dined with me knows that simply sitting down to a plate of food and conversation can be daunting and anxiety-inducing at times. I am not picky, not fussy, adventurous by nature and have almost always been willing to try things. I even ate chopped liver as a kid, and other Sunday “appetizing” like baked salmon, whitefish salad and things that would send some children spinning. Somewhere along the line, I developed both environmental allergies and severe food allergies. I have speculated about the onset but nobody will ever really know what brought them on. My mother had food allergies for years. And then she didn't. So they are mysterious and can come and go at any time. The trick is to track them down. Imagine you've eaten a plate of food with fifteen different ingredients and subsequently had an adverse reaction. This can be daunting, especially if the allergens are many. I have done food diaries, elimination diets and all sorts of detective work. It's quite a job. Take it from me. I have had several very severe allergic reactions to food. I have Epi-ed myself at a gas station in Newark, in the ER during triage, and had my husband do the deed in our living room. I have had first responders in our home, had panic attacks in restaurants and been to HUMC ER more times than I like to admit, though not very recently, thankfully. I stash Claritin redi-tabs and Benydrls in the pockets of my jeans, coats and if I am out at a wedding, dinner or event of any kind with a small fashionable little clutch bag you can bet it has a credit card, license, lipstick, compact and is mostly stuffed with EpiPens and antihistamines, just in case! The “just in case” factor has taken me down a few pegs as I am a free spirit by nature and this kinda thing makes free-spiritedness tricky. I remind myself that “I” am not my food allergies. Don’t want to jinx myself here but I am a healthy, happy camper and a superconscious eater. I don’t get sick often. The foods I do eat are mostly very healthy. I don’t eat dairy, soy, eggs, (allergic to all) or much sugar. I am decaffeinated, gluten-free and I take good vitamins and supplements. I meditate, get exercise, sleep deeply and practice gratitude daily. Loving relationships, creativity and the power of music are hace been healing elixirs for me. Since these allergies have cropped up and only gotten worse over the last several years, I am constantly in a position where I need to do food challenges, which is trying a particular food by itself (not clouded by any other foods) and waiting to see if a reaction occurs. Not the most fun way to spend an afternoon. I have done nut challenges in my allergist's office. No nuts for me! And I am yet to do challenges at home for corn, chickpeas, mushrooms, stone fruits and strawberries.... It’s never a good day for an allergic reaction and to be dazed and confused after taking four antihistamines, which just by chance happened yesterday after eating an avocado. Excuse me while I add the beloved avocado to the “not safe” list. Adios Guacamole! I am not trying to elicit pity. I loathe it, It embarrasses me so. I know I am lucky every day and that people are grappling with far worse things. I carry business cards with a lengthy list of my allergies that I can hand out at restaurants or show to be people if necessary. The cards currently need to be updated to include mangos, coconuts, dates, tomatoes, basil and everything in the Balsam of Peru category which is another story altogether and sadlry now... avocado. I have written before about food allergies. It has conviluted my world and stressed me out, but also made me extremely sensitive to challenges others face and it's even been the catalyst for my becoming a certified integrative nutrition health coach and to start doing wellness workshops and corporate lunch and learns to help people navigate health and wellness as a whole. I do go for allergy shots almost every week. Eight shots a week. Mostly because I am hoping we can get a dog. My son really wants a dog and we frankly we all really want a dog. Sadly I am allergic to dogs too. I am hoping I have amassed enough shots to be less reactive. I'll report back on that. As you can likely tell, allergy awareness is something I am passionate about. I speak about this and I cook lots of allergy-friendly recipes that I have concocted over time. I would never want a pity party but I do hope that foods continue to have safer labels, that menus in restaurants become more and more explicit and that people are trained to know what ingredients go into foods and that we all start to consider the additives and allergens that can go into packaged foods, fast foods and even “quality” foods in finer restaurants. We are not meant to ingest much of the garbage that winds up in foods. Being “allergic” to things has made me incredibly mindful of how we nourish ourselves. I encourage you to notice the signs your body sends you and to look out for your loved ones, especially children who may not be able to articulate exactly what is happening at times. Tell people you are with what you are dealing with so that someone might help you if you are struggling. Don't be embarresed or too proud. Life is precious. If something does not feel right after you eat a food you might have a sensitivity or even a food allergy. It’s important to understand the difference and to be ready to take action should a true allergic reaction occur. Some are milder than others. Allergic reactions can come in many forms like hives, dizziness, sinus pressure, itching, and even trouble breathing. Serious allergies can be life-threatening so it’s important to take this stuff seriously. Right now the suggested method of operation is to abstain from the food in question. If you or someone you know is struggling with this I highly recommend seeing a good allergist/immunologist. I am happy to help if you would like to reach out. As we are realizing more than ever during this COVID-19 crisis our lives truly depend on each other. We are in this together. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay nourished and remember to always listen to your body and don’t forget to listen to your heart’s intuition while you are at it. It will lead the way! Blessings to you! xo Stacie #Wellness #lifestyle #allergyawareness #allergyawarenessweek #healthiswealth #reclaimyourhealth #truebodyandmind


    Summer sun, summer nights,summer fun,summerhours. You can add any word to summer and it’s just good! Try it. Summerfood. Summer love. Summerbuzz, Summer songs. It goes on and on. The words that seem to really sting when added to summer are the ones with the most finality like endand over.When people say “the end of summer” this.. and “the end of summer” that.. it’s like a dagger to many teachers, kids, parents, people with summer Fridays or just those who remember the long and lazy days when cares seemed to melt away like sunscreen on hot skin or ice cream dripping down your arm. The beginning of something NEW like BACK TO SCHOOL, BACK TO WORK, BACK TO LIFE, BACK TO REALITYcan carry with it the weight of a thousand bricks and anticipation of.. well, something NEW. But It needn’t be that way. First off, the summer weather lasts and lasts through practically October. Summer gardens are stillbearing fruit and veggies. No need for a total wardrobe makeover just yet, and you can still hit the farmer’s markets and think seasonally when shopping and preparing foods. Keeping calm while the inevitables (like the seasons) change largely comes down to your outlook and how you choose to frame things. What if you vowed to maintain a more laid back approach while stepping back into action? Perhaps overdrive is not needed, at least not until the holidays. What if you kept up with some of the aspects of fitness that are serving you instead of throwing them overboard the minute September starts? Walking, running and biking weather sticks around for a while so don’t lock yourself indoors. Perusing pictures of summer adventures might keep your spirits high. Continuing to embrace the foods that are still in season helps with the transition and you might consider adding some home brewed, iced green tea to your routine for an extra boost! Back to school is a really fun time for families, but it’s easy to get thrown off by how many things need to happen right around the start of the new school year. Be organized, plan ahead, and don’t worry too much since back to school is only really about a week long. Rationally speaking, once kids are back in school…They are back in school. The press, commercials, catalogs and social media would have you believe that back to school lasts for four months. But it really just comes down to supplies, systems and state of mind. Systems are good. Consistency and routine are your friends when you’re back to schooling. It will help you; it will help the kids, your co-workers and significant others. And your calm, cool- as-a-cucumbermentality will rub off on your young ones who might be feeling antsy, anxious or arranging an in-house protest. Get your snack game together for your kids and yourself. Purchase any new earth friendly water bottles, bento boxes and such in advance. It’s nice to start as new season with a new lunch or snack bag. They can get pretty yucky after a while. Things seem to seep into the seams. Donate items that are still in fairly good condition and have the labels with names on hand. Remember, what was popular with your kiddos last year might not be welcome in their lunch bags this year. Talk to your kids about the kind of healthy, yummy snacks they will actually enjoy and EAT! God only knows the true quantity of unwanted snacks that never see the light of day. You owe it to yourself to get organized with your snick snacks. When adults get busy they forget to eat, binge and eat things they are often ashamed of admitting. But if you do a little meal prep you set yourself up for good health. Packing lunches or snacks is such a good way to ensure good health, weight management and energy boosting nutrients on hand when needed. Diced fruit and veggies, cooked lentils, grilled chicken, bananas, avocadoes, cooked whole grains are all things that are good to have prepped. This way you can mix and match making salads, quick soups, smoothies, rice or quinoa bowls. It’s all so simple to toss together when you’re prepped and ready. Don’t skimp on sleep as things get busy. A charged battery will make the “getting back to it” seem a lot easier. Try to grab an extra hour if possible. Don’t eat too late; try to kick the blue lightaddiction and put down the gadgets before bed for heaven’s sake. A little classical music or Bossa Nova before bed is never a bad idea and make sure you rock a good wholesome breakfast. Getting your kids back on schedule doesn’t have to be stressful either. Ease back in. It’s hard to get everyone sleeping when the sun is screaming “come out and play” until 9pm. Dial back bedtime a little each night and in a few weeks you should be in good shape! Getting your Cozi, Apple or Google Calendar organized will help you unwind at night and keep you collected in the morning because you won’t be stressing over what’s next. A paper/book calendar like people had in the olden days of stationary stores might actually make for even more calm, relaxed days ahead. Sometimes the tactile feel of holding your thoughts, schedules and lists and actually writing them down can be very good practice. If you feel work, life, school, events, obligations, laundry or the sheer volume of responsibility closing in on you, talk to your friends, family or partner, make sure you are getting some air, some exercise and most importantly, sit yourself down, take some deep breaths and remember it will ALL get done. And if it doesn’t???... Everything will probably still be okay! A little meditation in the morning (or whenever the heck you can sneak it in) will really center you, cleanse and calm your mind and bring you back to yourself. Sitting on the ground is a really easy way to connect with the earth and help you feel grounded. So,as you embrace this moment and the next, and life picking up in real-time..remember that you are in charge! You don’t have to let others sweep you up in their madness and drama. Keep calm, carry on and soon you’ll be picking pumpkins, and sipping cider with the best of em! #HappyFall ###

  • The NIACIN Factor (Keeping your children safe)

    The Niacin Factor… Dear parents, Please take note! I'm not a ranter, and I'm not going to rant now, but I AM going to tell you a true story that might be helpful. For the last couple of months my son Miles has been getting a little flushed and rashy in the face. Since I have very severe food allergies, I wanted to be diligent, and err on the safe side. So, I had him skin tested by a local pediatric allergist for a myriad of food items. Nothing showed up. Totally negative! Okay, so that's a good thing. We moved on. It seemed to happen after meals or snacks. He would get really flushed and a little rashy on the face. Couldn't pinpoint it. But being a holistic health coach and a mom, I felt determined. Fast forward to this past Sunday. I slept in. My husband gave Miles breakfast, and then he had an Outshine bar. (popsicle). Okay, I let him have two when I awoke. Then I gave him a vitamin since he had not yet taken it. My husband ran out to get some house supplies at Lowe’s, and I began to cook up some oatmeal. Miles came stumbling into the living room, looked stressed and said, "I'm hungry. I'm so hungry. My stomach is hurting." Then he dashed up the stairs to the bathroom and was doubled over trying to throw up. He was beet red, clammy, hot as a stove and began to break out in a rash on his arms, back and belly. I started to spin and panic and just then my husband walked through the door and I nervously instructed him to call 911. Miles was nauseous, itchy, hot, and red and had begun coughing. I was losing my cool. But the EMT arrived quickly and we crisscrossed through traffic and roadwork and made it HUMC Pediatric ER where they monitored him, administered Benadryl and discharged us after a couple of hours when the symptoms had subsided. Could it have been FIFTHS? (a virus that has gone around schools all winter) A severe allergic reaction? They mentioned a possible low glycemic incident, triggering a histamine reaction. I have had anaphylaxis. This didn't seem to make sense. One minute he was quietly watching Ninjago and the next minute he was in distress as if someone had flipped a switch. Moving along. The ER doctor told us not to worry about the cause when we asked for her opinion. She simply stated that they don't focus on the cause, they just treat the symptoms. So sad that this is the way we do things. How can one prevent a situation as horrifying as this from reoccurring if there is so little attention paid to the root of the cause. I was not happy with the statement (I'm never happy about that (anti-holistic approach). The doctor told us to take a load off for the night since we had all been through a lot and Miles was doing better. She told us not to drive ourselves crazy trying to figure it out. "Sorry, sister" was the bubble blurb over my head. She does not know how this mother operates. If my boy isn't feeling well, I am not feeling well, and I will stop at nothing to find out what's happening! I'm guessing most of moms would do the same. I played back the morning in my mind over and over. He had toast and jelly. The same toast and jelly he always has. He had some Outshine bars but that was almost an hour before this incident. The thing that he ingested just moments before was a vitamin. Could it have been the multi-vitamin? Perhaps my son did not have enough food in his stomach. Perhaps they changed the formula in the vitamins. I called the pharmacist. She hadn't heard any reports of reactions to prescription multi-fluoride vitamins. I felt suspicious but vowed to readdress in the a.m. after we had all gotten some rest. The reaction seemed to reoccur around bedtime. Not as extreme, but not great. I called my pediatrician in a partial panic. We gave Miles more children's Benadryl. I slept with one eye open. On Monday morning I resolved to email the school nurse to alert her of the fact that Miles had lots of Benadryl coursing through him due to the event on Sunday and would probably be feeling less than wonderful most of the day. When I walked my son to school I noticed that the principal was helping kids out of cars at drop-off as she does nearly every morning. I opted to tell her (in great detail) what had happened so she could keep an eye out, or at least have this on her radar. What she said next is a testament to her amazing involvement and interest in the wellbeing of each and every student. "Could it have been the vitamin?" She asked. I looked at her incredulously. "What would make you say that?" I asked. I had been suspicious as well. The principal said that another child in Miles’ school seemed to have had a similar incident very recently. Now the strange thing here is that Miles has been taking these multis for years! The principal said this sounded very much like the other incident and asked if I would like the school to put the other parent in touch with me. Yes! Please! I was so grateful for the suggestion. In the meantime, I called the pharmacy again. I asked if the vitamins had been changed. Then I asked for the name of the pharmaceutical company. I called them in Texas. I inquired about any ingredients that could potentially cause a severe reaction. The man with whom I spoke mentioned Niacin. A "Niacin Flush.” Talk about an Aha moment! I looked up everything I could about Niacin. Some people get a flush, some get a far worse reaction. In kids it can be severe if they are intolerant. Niacin can have a lot of very beneficial effects if you are not too sensitive to it. About an hour later a very lovely woman (the mother of the other child who had a reaction) called me and we compared noted and stories. It turned out that she also had thought her daughter had been having several food allergy reactions recently. She also had several face flushing incidents in addition to a severe reaction like Miles had. She had been to the same pediatric allergist (who seemed to help them nail down the Niacin factor). She uses the same pharmacy and her daughter was taking the same vitamins. Their last batch came from the same pharmaceutical company in Texas that noted putting Niacin in the vitamins, which is not a crime. As I had said there are many benefits, if you are not sensitive. The important piece of information here is educating yourself about the contents of the vitamins, which can change from time to time depending on the manufacturer supplying the pharmacy with the product. Pharmaceutical companies are notorious for altering ingredients, and pharmacies will often go with the best deal. My feeling is that changes in the formula as well as possible side effects should be printed on the bottle. Common Side Effects of Niacin: · Itching under the skin · Warmth, redness, or tingly skin · Mild dizziness · Sweating or chills · Nausea, burping, diarrhea · Leg cramps, muscle pain · Insomnia These are COMMON side effects. They can also be more severe as in our case. Niacin Toxicity · Flushing of the skin, primarily on the face, arms, and chest *This side effect may occur at doses as low as 30 mg/day. · Itching · Nausea · Vomiting · Skin rash · Dry skin · Headache · Signs of liver toxicity, including jaundice and elevated liver enzymes I called the pediatric allergist to confirm all this. I was sure that the culprit was Niacin! He had been alerted of other reactions from children nearby who had taken this specific vitamin and felt that the connection made a lot of sense. He said the pharmaceutical company had changed the formula from Niacinamide (which is a form of B3) to Niacin (which is also a B3 vitamin but is not as benign as Niacinamide. I called the pharmaceutical company again and asked for someone more knowledgeable about the formulations. They said they had never initially used Niacinamide that they had always used Niacin but were now changing the formulas since they had received reports similar to mine. This tipped me off to the fact that we may have been getting a different product in the years leading up to this incident. Naturally, I called our trusty pharmacists again and they were so helpful. They looked up the manufacturer of the products we had received earlier in the computer. Bingo! They had been using a different manufacturer until recently, which explains the sudden reactions to the same prescription. Since these vitamins are a generic form of the Poly-vi-flor (which can be cost-prohibitive for many) the pharmacy had been using the generic. The vitamins as we learned had been coming from a different company in the past that never used Niacin. Another company could have been using Niacinamide all along, which does not cause the issue. There is no supplemental reason for any of the companies to be using Niacin over Niacinamide. Perhaps it's about the money! Most things are. The pharmaceutical company in Texas that had made the vitamin which caused the problem did say they are rolling out newly formulated vitamins in the next few months with Niacinamide and no Niacin. But what about all the vitamins out there now??? Since I called our pharmacy to alert them of the niacin factor, they are aware, as is our school, our pediatrician and pediatric allergist. But what about all of the other pharmacies, schools, and physicians around the country? Not all children are sensitive to Niacin, but many are. Many adults are also sensitive to Niacin. I'm working on creating awareness. But I am only one person. Please be aware! Please share! We are okay now but are noticing that many snacky foods like Pepperidge Farms Goldfish crackers, contain niacin. The more you know, the more mindful you can be. Read packages. Do your own research. Opt for whole foods. Read the fine print. Ask your pharmacist for help. Stay educated. Stay vigilant. When it comes to health you cannot be too sure. It's especially important to keep kids safe because many cannot advocate for themselves. It's a skill that comes with time and practice. Talk to your teachers. talk to other parents. We have to stick together. Comparing notes and spreading awareness is so important! If I hadn't talked with the principal at my school who put me in touch with the other parent, which lead me back to the allergist, pediatrician, pharmacist and pharmaceutical company we might all still be spinning and nervous of another horrifying occurrence. The bottom line is that Niacin can be very healthful and helpful, if you are not sensitive to it. We are all individual. Think biodiversity. One man’s picnic is another man's poison. What works for some may harm others. This cannot be overstated. Please email me here Stacie@truebodyandmind.comwith any comments or questions. Thank you for reading and wishing you and yours many blessings, good health and no bad reactions!!! *Here is some information about Niacin and Niacinamide (read safety and side effects)


    As the holidays disappear in the rear view mirror and lonely trees litter sidewalks, menorahs and other holiday swag get stuffed into closets and boxes and the spirit of 2018 starts to fizzle...let us breathe. Now, as we collectively dive into a new year, let us breathe once more. It's easy to give in to the making of resolutions and personal revolutions and keeping up with the mania across social media. Some of it is so persuasive. But, why not ask yourself what "you" want out of 2019? Who are you now? Who would you like to become? What is your reality? What are your dreams? What is your plan to begin to live them? For what are you grateful? What do you believe? Whom do you miss and long to spend more time with? Which people, places or things make you radiate joy? It's a lovely time to allow yourself to think on these things. Pontification is underrated. Intuition is an underused superpower. if you were to use yours, what might your intuition tell you? 2018 is water under the bridge. Perhaps it was a winner of a year. Maybe it was a doozy! Either way, it's over. The only way to go is forward. So here are some things to consider as you set sail for the new year and prepare for a beautiful journey... 1. Be the Master of Your Own Ship It's always good to remember (especially at the top of a new year) that you are the master of your destiny. Your choices will shape your life. Your intentions will help guide you on the right path. Get in touch with those intentions and keep them in mind and close to you at all times. If you falter or lose your way, and your compass starts spinning, you can always get back by recalling your intentions or your Sankalpa. In yogic philosophy Sankalpa means "intention". It's your spiritual reason for doing what you do, and it can inform your body, mind and soul. The best part is that you decide what your intentions are. They can change from week to week or remain the same. The important thing is that you determine what they are and follow your heart's lead. 2. Go slowly The world is fast, wired and things move at a "now, now, now" pace. Why not ease into the new year with grace, gratitude and purpose? Having respect for the process of things can really help you feel more grounded and present. Each day is a process. Each moment is an opportunity to move, rest, learn, teach, do, be and blossom. There are infinite possibilities that come with a new year, a new day or even a moment, but if we are speeding by on the road that is life as if on the autobahn, we miss the meaning, the metaphors, and the beauty that is all around. We starve the world of our gifts when we move too fast. Whether it is a smile, a laugh, a moment to listen to our loved ones, we cannot be present when we are always moving so fast. Easing into something new is also a great way to give your system an opportunity to regroup, recalibrate and remember what is important. 3. Reclaim your Health This is something you can start at any time, but there's nothing like a holiday hangover to get you thinking about your health and the goals you hold dear. Okay, so you're up five pounds, feeling tired, maybe less than fit, not quite bikini ready or not even close. So what? Instead of self-deprecating and resolving to work out seven days a week until you look like Jennifer Lopez or drop doing it, why not self-appreciate instead? For what can you be grateful? Maybe you endured some tough times in 2018. Perhaps you had a baby and can marvel at your own strength. Maybe you completed a semester, a tough job or worked extra hard at a marriage or did your best under pressure. Look in the mirror and thank yourself for all your hard work, tenacity, courage, kindness and then start to write down those intentions. You probably need more greens and more water in your diet. Everybody does. Maybe you really need to cut out the gluten, the greasy or packaged food because it doesn't work for you. Perhaps you need to remind yourself to get outside and walk. Listen to your body. What does it tell you it needs? It knows the truth. If you listen you will know, too. 4. Practice Self Care Booking a massage, a facial, some acupuncture or a yoga class does not make your selfish. These things fit nicely in the self-care category. If you don't practice these rituals, no one is going to do it for you. You've heard the saying that goes.."you can't pour from an empty cup", or "you can't love others if you don't love yourself." It's really the truth. Take care of you and then you can take care of others. Or take care of others first but don't forget to take care of you, too! You are going to be better at home, work, life in general if you feel good about yourself. So, if it's a weekly blowout, a mani/pedi, a few minutes of meditation, fresh flowers from the market, carving out quality time for a phone date with a friend, or face-to-face time with people you enjoy, be good to yourself starting now. 5. Listen to Your Heart This seems obvious but so few of us actually follow our hearts or intuition. Most of us do what we feel is expected of us, or overextend ourselves. Assisting others is truly important and can actually help boost your health and sense of contentment, but not at your own expense. It's a balance. Stop saying yes to things you really don't want to do. Start spending time with people that truly do make you feel happy, understood and loved. Make it a daily ritual as you begin the new year. You will thank yourself. 6. Lower your Expectations It's a good time to pause and give things a break. Usually at the top of new year people make resolutions, seal their expectations of themselves and others and become greatly disappointed by February. 2019 may just be the year to ditch some of your expectations and be pleasantly surprised when things work out well. When we expect things to happen a certain way and they don't, it can be terribly depressing. When we put unfair expectations on ourselves it can be awfully oppressing. Begin the new year with a new mantra, "I will do what I can and not get hung up on the outcome." There are too many variables in life to control. It's not natural to force things or to know how everyone will act or expect people to do as we do and feel as we feel. Do yourself a favor and loosen the reigns on life. You just may get more than you ever wished for. 7. Sleep No one is advocating for you to sleep 2019 away, just to sleep enough hours at night that you actually feel rested when you begin each day. The winter months can be tough. Most of us could simply hibernate until May, but there are places to go, people to see, work to be done and we're all trying to make our mark, or at least get through the day. Without good sleep we can't do anything really well or enjoy doing it. Half the world is sleep deprived, cranky, underachieving, and anxious. So many ailments are linked to poor sleep habits. So start the year thinking about how you might get more quality zzz's. Maybe it's meditation before bed, essential oils like lavender on your pillow, a bath, a book, a few minutes to reflect on your day, a cup of tea, some classical music, or some deep breathing. Nightly rituals can be great for both kids and adults. Don't skimp on sleep. Your life depends on it. 8. Simplify We live in a "more, more, more" kind of world. Chances are you have accumulated too much stuff. It's overwhelming! It may be time to purge. If you're scared ( I know I am), use the throw away, put away, give away method. Throwing away things that are old, damaged or bad energy frees up space in your life for good things to come. Putting away things in storage bides you time to decide which things are keepers. Giving away things is a great way to lighten your load, lessen your mess and help others. There are so many people in need. Parting with things that you are not appreciating or using will help your home environment and your head space. Simplifying doesn't just come down to your living space. A new year is a new opportunity to make space in your heart as well. If there are people who don't bring you joy, maybe it's time to step away. You can also simplify your meals. Start meal planning and meal prepping. Hire a health coach, or a house cleaner. Make your to-do lists reasonable. It's ridiculous to think you can do three thousand things in a day. Just because you can multitask your face off doesn't mean you should. Being present with people you love can enhance your quality of life tenfold. Simplify your products. Try going green. You might simplify your skincare with less toxic products. Think quality over quantity in every area of your life and notice how much better you feel. 9. Just be you You've heard the expression, "Just be you because everyone else is taken?" Right? Ain't it the truth? If you've been trying to be someone you're not, or putting pressure on yourself to be perfect, make this the year that you stop that cycle of insanity, because nobody is perfect. Even if it looks like they are. They're not! And neither are you, so that takes the pressure off all that. Perfection is like a unicorn. The vision is so fantastical, but it doesn't exist. Move on and make self-love a warm robe in which you warp yourself. The more "you" you are the more you will attract the kind of people you need in your life, and the better you will feel in your skin. So do what you love, and be with those who appreciate you for you. Worry less about what others think and you will feel more liberated and brighter all year. 10. Begin Again It's true that a new year is a perfect time to start new. But what people forget is that each day is a chance to begin again. Every morning is s fresh opportunity to right your wrongs, forgive yourself, forgive others, do better, feel better or just be in the most authentic way. New breath leads to new energy and new experiences. It's as if you get a free do-over every day. Take advantage of that. If yesterday was steeped in negativity, make today positively positive. Smile. Breathe. Practice gratitude. Revel in joy. Call a friend. Help someone in need. Cry if you must. Make peace. Give love. Make music. Eat better, dress better, or take a day off. Get some rest and have a cookie. As 2019 gets rolling, remember that so much of life depends on your outlook, coping skills, the energy you send into the world and the way you treat yourself and others. Remind yourself that the universe is on your side, that you've got this and when it feels like you truly don't....just breathe in, breathe out and begin again.

  • Here's To Your Gut Heath

    Chances are people have been telling you for years to "listen to your heart.” It’s a soulful sentiment. But what about your gut? You may also have been told or have encouraged others to "trust your gut”, notably less poetic than anything having to do with the heart. How often do we actually trust our guts, or nurture our innards or even think before we eat, or react? So many catch phrases refer to the guts. Guts and glory! They got me right in the gut! I felt gutted! Gut instinct. To spill one's guts. Gut response. Gut feeling. Blood and guts. The list goes on. When one utters the word "guts" it's a visceral thing. Yet despite the weight of the topic, gut health often gets tragically overlooked when it comes to our well being. There has been significant research to suggest that our overall sense of well being has a lot to do with the health of our guts. Let's break it down a bit. (That’s what is supposed to happen in our tummies after all). We have tons of bacteria in our system, both good and bad. This is actually a positive thing. We need both for balance. Bacteria make up our Microbiome. "Our Micro-what?”, you might be saying. Microbiome is the new black! Well, that may be a bit of a stretch, but it is certainly one of the new medical buzzwords, and for good reason. Microbiome basically refers to the complex eco system inside your gut. It's a magical thing. But can turn into a tragical thing if you do not pay mind to what's happening. For the most part, you are the custodian of your microbiome. How's that for poetry? It is up to you to eat the foods that make you feel good, and eliminate the ones that make you feel lousy. Here's where "trusting your gut" comes in. If you are eating gluten and feeling lethargic and bloated and awful, your gut may not be appreciative of that gluten. In fact, it might be pleading with you to lay off the stuff. There are many foods that are quite inflammatory like vegetable oils, refined carbs, added sugars, trans fat etc.. I'll distill this. Sugar, white flour, fried foods, highly processed foods, dairy, alcohol and too many refined carbs can actually be making your sick. These foods could very well be affecting your complexion, your composure, your sleep, and just about everything else. It's serious business. On the other hand there are amazing edibles that can contribute to a greater sense of well being all starting in your gut. Veggies, fruits (especially berries and citrus) sea vegetables, green tea, turmeric, ginger, probiotics, fish oil, coconut oil, legumes, and fermented foods. The list goes on. There are so many ways to improve gut health where food and supplements are concerned. If you knew that poor gut health could contribute to some of the worst health issues, wouldn’t you take your gut more seriously? Of course your would. Today is great time to start. But, there's another very weighty component here. That's the philosophical, metaphorical and often intangible sense of your gut. What does it actually mean to trust your gut? Well, as a heath coach, a mom, singer, and citizen of this great planet, I believe a lot of it has to do with intuition. And, it is my deep feeling that every time we kick our own intuition to the curb we are contributing to our own dysbiosis. Dysbiosis typically occurs when bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines) become unbalanced. Doesn't sound like a good look, does it? Each time we allow things to tear us up inside, and twist up our insides, that may be precisely what's going on within our bodies. Breathing is another talking point. Many of us are merely breathing for survival but not ever really filling our bodies with the oxygen it needs to maintain a true sense of health and calm. Diaphragmatic breathing can make all the difference. The wikipedian definition of Diaphragmatic breathing: Diaphragmatic breathing, or deep breathing, is breathing that is done by contracting the diaphragm, a muscle located horizontally between the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity. Air enters the lungs and the chest rises and the belly expands during this type of breathing. Here's where yoga, mediation, hiking, biking and taking more time to breathe comes in. Aside from the fact that it can calm your nerves, fill you with positive energy and make you feel more alive. It can also be very good for your digestion and help your system to perform its greatest miracles. There are so many wonderful recipes and books about gut health. You might want to add some of them to your summer reading list. It's no 50 shades of anything, Murakami gem, or Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. But it could be a complete game changer for you and yours. So, the moral of all this is to give you healthy food for thought and to encourage you to steer clear of chemicals, toxins, and evil ingestibles. Watch out for GMO's, and pesticides. If you choose to eat animal protein, go with grass fed and antibiotic free. Look for organic produce (free of harmful pesticides). Exercise, so your body can process what you put in. Breathe. Get enough sleep so your body can do its job. And don't hoard negative energy that can only burden your gut. Let go of anger. Use optimum gut health as an excuse to cast out people who bring you down. Use your intuition. It will serve your well. It will tell you what it likes and what it loathes. It's that smart! Rock on with your beautiful body and nurture it as if your head, your heart, your soul and your gut depend on it. It. They truly do! (##)

  • YOUR SPRING AWAKING Reboot, revive, and reclaim your health

    By Stacie Rose I try to embrace all the seasons because I believe that they directly coincide with our internal seasons, and that we must allow ourselves to feel an array of things and navigate the weather as well as nature's miraculous cycles. That said, winter can be a bully of a beast that brings us to our snow-boot-clad knees, and despite the crisp arctic air, often makes us prisoners in our homes. It brainwashes us into eating too many carbs, watching too much Netflix and feeling sorry for ourselves and the fact that we might not quite be perfectly groomed, bikini-ready and on our game in the healthy dining department. Enter spring. A breath of fresh everything! The buds, the birds, the bees. The never-ending darkness lifts, giving way to light. The world is coming to life and the color grey (cool as it might be in the fashion world) skulks away! It is like the scene in the Wizard of Oz where the black and white footage suddenly turns Technicolor and we enter a world of infinite possibilities. Never yet was a springtime, when the buds forgot to bloom. -Margaret Elizabeth Sangster By the time of spring’s awakening each year I can say with great conviction that I am ready to transform and ready to begin to be my best self once again. It's like riding a bicycle. Nature gives us the nod, and we know just what to do. We know it's time to get off our butts, and start making things happen again. It's not solely about productivity; it's a state of mind. A "you can do this!" state of mind. It's a "nature is alive, and so are you" state of mind. So forget about the oppressiveness of winter and come alive! The beautiful spring came; and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also. -Harriet Ann Jacobs So.... Wherever you are with your health and wellness regimen, just pause and restart. Today is day one! A time of rebirth and renewal. No looking back, because what good would it do? It's time to start setting intentions. Where to begin? Here are some of mine for inspiration. 1.Spring into action Get your beautiful body moving! And yes, it is beautiful in whatever state it is currently in because it is functioning. You may want to get sculpting and strengthening from your gut and core to your more noticeable attributes. Take it slowly. Think about beauty and strength from the inside out. One day at a time. Little by little you can build muscle, stamina and the confidence to kick your routine into higher gear. Be it hiking, biking, Yoga, Pilates, gym-ratting or power-walking; 20 minutes at a time a couple of days a week is infinitely better than nothing. It might be a good time to consider a fitbit to stay on track. I plan to install a bicycle rack on the back of my car as incentive to hit more trails! Whatever path you choose, try to notice how you feel after you exert energy and use that feeling as your motivator. It’s a way healthier approach than beating yourself up with menacingly, unrealistic, heavily airbrushed body image propaganda. Stay centered and do what actually makes you feel good! After all, exercise should not be torture. It should be uplifting, strengthening, restorative, and empowering! No time for classes? Be creative. Long walks, gardening, dog walking, and chasing after your children at the park count! At-home workouts can be very affective. Be resourceful and don’t be hard on yourself. It won’t give you the results you are after. You can’t go wrong if you do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do! 2. Start breathing again. Ever get the feeling everyone is just holding their until winter has wrapped? We’re all breathing merely to stay alive. But it’s the deep intentional, meditative breathing that is so restorative and an uplifting, mood-melding game changer. A few minutes a day, or better yet, a few times a day, especially in the morning and before bed is really mind cleansing and immune boosting! 3. Rituals I remind my six year old every day on the way to school to make sure he drinks water and stays hydrated. We remind, but we need to remember ourselves to keep drinking water. It makes a huge impact on your complexion, your digestion, and just about every other bodily function, so don’t skimp. Also, why not curb the caffeine; consider switching from coffee to decaf tea, like ginger or chamomile or even decaf green, which is widely celebrated for preventing illness? Drinking a cup can be very calming, help you collect your thoughts (which many never take the time to do) and a nice excuse to socialize with another human being in the flesh. 4. Seasonal Cooking Whether you can manage an herb garden a virtual farm, or join a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), home grown food is all the rage for a very good reason. Less nasty pesticides, and less travel means less chance of harmful bacteria. If you grow it you are more likely to find healthy, creative ways to use it. Think salads, soups and smoothies. Your body will likely be craving things that are in season so listen to your intuition. If you are having trouble making heads or tails of meals or even figuring out what the heck is even healthy, seek a nutritional health coach and/or healthy meal planner. Information regarding nutrition and health in general is always changing and evolving and it’s hard to sift through everything. Plus, with respect for bio-individuality and your body’s specific needs, meal planning could be just the ticket. In the meantime a good rule of thumb (said best by Michael Pollan)… “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” 5.Less is more There is a reason you have been hearing about “spring cleaning” all your life. It’s time to rid your mind, body, home and spirit of any extra baggage. It’s a good time to detox. I am not speaking of harsh cleansing that will make you hallucinate, cling to the bathroom floor and beg for mercy. I’m talking about an elimination diet. Perhaps you have been feeling lethargic, bloated, and angry. Ask yourself simple questions. “Am I sleeping well?”, “How does my skin look?”, “Am I feeling like the best version of myself,” “Do I flow freely, or feel weighted down?”, Do I feel hormonally balanced?”, “How is my digestion?” It might be time to consider eliminating a food that your body is having trouble tolerating. Sometimes the only way to catch the culprit is through process of elimination hence, (The Elimination Diet). Proceed moderately and cautiously and with the guidance of an MD if you are unsure. It’s best to eliminate one food at a time like dairy, soy, or gluten. By crowding out one food at a time you will give yourself a chance to notice the difference in how you feel, if any. If you feel the same and there is no epiphany or form of enlightenment than that particular food is probably not the problem. Move on. Try to eliminate something else. Always give it 4- 6 weeks so you can really be sure. Sometimes people who are truly intolerant of foods notice the difference within a week or two of eliminating. It’s a process. Another way to clean up your act is to actually “eat clean.” You’ve probably been hearing a lot of people talking about “eating clean.” Many are wondering what that even means. It’s pretty much the way it sounds. Less stuff, less chemicals, more whole foods. Less GMO’s, less processed foods. It means eating REAL, organic, unadulterated, unpackaged good-for-your body kind of food. It’s a great time of year to start making “clean eating” your goal. And while you’re eating clean, it may be time to clear the clutter-- in your mind, home, closets, and pantry. Toss the chemicals and make a pledge to go with non-toxic cleaning products, less toxic beauty products and healthier food. Shedding the clutter, and toxins will help you think more clearly. 6. Change your tune! There is research to support the amazing effects of music. It’s a great time to make new playlists, embrace music that makes you feel more vibrant, confident and makes your body want to move. Music that makes you reflect is always great too. The idea is to change it up, and get things flowing. You can actually get in a music rut. By refreshing your tunes, whether it's older material that you are rediscovering or entirely new songs or sounds, you will be surprised what this can do for your state of mind. If you are stuck, ask your friends what they are listening to, get out and hear some live music or tune into some radio shows. Try Spotify, Pandora or iTunes Music service to broaden your horizons. You will be glad you did. 7. Get in nature Mother nature is experiencing a rebirth on a grand scale. Listen to your earth mother and start taking note. Animals are shedding their skin, flowers are blooming, the rain is washing away the past. Listen to the sounds, breath the air (You may need an antihistamine), but still. Take a walk. Take a hike! And I’m not being facetious. Soak up the sun for we are all in great need of vitamin D and warm rays. The more in touch with nature we are, the more relaxed and at ease we feel. Exercise can be so much more fun when it’s in the great outdoors. Start visiting farmer’s markets. Start visiting friends. The winter has rendered us anti-social zombies. Plan a lunch date, a coffee powwow, or a picnic. Social engagements and time in nature can boost our mood, make us feel calm, connected, secure and in turn help our immune system to function better. It’s a win-win! Mother knows best! Spring is the time of plans and projects. -Leo Tolstoy 8.Get on an anti-inflammatory diet I’m not talking about going on a diet to shed pounds. Of course, that’s up to you. I’m speaking of reducing the risk of inflammation in your body, which can cause a dastardly array of ailments. Many doctors and alternative medicine practitioners alike believe that Inflammation is the root of all (or at least most) evil. It can cause arthritis, digestive issues, a host of nasty, and chronic heath problems and many believe it can even cause cancer. There are a plethora of books on anti-imflammatopry foods and herbs. A good place to start is with green veggies, herbs like turmeric, herbal teas. Drink water. Sleep. Consume less sugar, alcohol, white flour, caffeine and fried foods. If you have been waiting for your chance to clean up your act, there is no better time than springtime, AKA: the present. 9.Revive your spirit Never underestimate the power of a good massage, some acupuncture, a facial, a wax, or some polish. A new haircut or color can be life -changing. A much-needed trip to the dentist, dermatologist or department store can be huge. A little self-care goes an unbelievably long way. A pile of inspiring magazines, a new book, or a bag of fresh new make-up, with more lively hues can change your outlook on life. Sometimes it’s the simplest acts of self-care that can make all the difference. When you feel cared for you glow from within and light up any room! An optimist is the human personification of spring. -Susan J. Bissonette 10.Brighten your outlook More hours of light means more time to shine. It’s a great time of year to reflect, recalibrate and realign yourself with the universe. Life will never be perfect. If you watch the news, tragedies happen daily, even minute to minute but it’s the way we frame things and the choices we make that largely affect our mood and our overall sense of well-being. Practicing gratitude can change your disposition. Practicing small acts of kindness with yourself and those around you will ultimately lift you up. Be generous. Be loving. Be true to yourself and follow your bliss. Springtime is the right time to try again at whatever it is that brings you joy. If you have failed, faced disappointment or not found what you are looking for, now is the time to take a chance, set new intentions and begin again. Stacie Rose is a Singer/Songwriter, Mother, Producer, Lover, Blogger, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Holistic Lifestyle Influencer and Free Spirit. She’s super passionate about making music, writing, and helping others create sustainable wellness. Having navigated some very tough terrain she became a certified health coach to help others reclaim their health. Stacie has dealt with severe food allergies, intolerances and acid reflux. She found that all of these conditions can be vastly improved by making diet and lifestyle modifications. She gave IBS the boot by eliminating certain foods and works daily to create balance and cultivate a beautiful, active, nourished life for herself and her family. Her philosophy is that transformation takes positivity, possibility and persistence. Life is a wild ride, so taking good care of the body and mind is where it’s at!

  • (Survival Guide for the Food Allergy Afflicted As seen in BC the MAG Winter 2018 Health, Beauty &

    SURVIVIAL GUIDE FOR THE FOOD ALLERGY AFFLICTED: By Stacie Rose I have taken to carrying tea bags in my purse and shaking down servers in restaurants, but I do it with kindness and respect for their jobs. I also do it to save my own skin. I have super severe food allergies like many people these days. My list of lethals seems daunting to many (soy, dairy, egg, corn, gluten, agave, anise, raw celery, apples, strawberries and onions). I treasure my quality of life so I have gotten serious when it comes to survival and so can you. 1. Be Careful Drink the water, but beware of the olive oil, maple syrup, tea and nearly everything you put in your mouth. Read labels. Read between the lines. I am not trying to insight fear. Okay maybe I am, it might save a life. When you have food allergies that can cause radical reactions and ultimately ANAPHYLAXIS you must have perspective. It's not a life sentence. It’s not Cancer, Thank God! But it's also not a thing to take lightly. You, and you alone have to be your biggest advocate, unless you are a child. In this case, parents, guardians, and teachers need to step up their game, for real! You can learn to navigate food allergies and truly enjoy living an abundant life, but it takes a little work, awareness, perseverance, some serious self-advocating, and strategies. Always act mindfully and make your safety, and the safety of loved ones a priority! 2. Dine Out Restaurant workers are not always well versed about the ingredients chefs are using and some are more sympathetic than others to the severity of this matter. Use your intuition when you are speaking with people. If you think they don’t get it, they probably don’t! Whether you have Celiac disease, food allergies, or any life altering condition, you need to speak up and be incredibly specific with regard to your needs. Some things I have noticed while traveling recently are troubling. Most restaurants are cutting corners by using fractioned olive oil. It's happening everywhere. It's a greasy epidemic. The labels on the backs of these oils (sometimes in very small print) say things like 50% olive oil, 50% vegetable oil, which you can be certain contains SOY). I have gone so far lately as to ask for servers, or managers to please check the oil. Some have been kind enough to snap photos for me or bring the bottle tableside. Always ask if the restaurant has an allergy menu. Many do these days. From Chipotle to California Pizza Kitchen, the upscale and family chains alike are getting with the program. Tell people right from the get go (this means the minute you sit down) what the allergies are. This gives the server time to speak with the chef. If the server seems dazed, ask for the manager, and if necessary, the chef. Let people know that your allergies or restrictions are extremely severe and that you carry and EPIPEN. It’s a buzzword for "Please take this Seriously” If you have ever been to the ER with Anaphylaxis it's dreadfully frightening. It's happened to me more times than I would like to recall. Horrifying beyond words to people around you, it shakes you to your core and you want to avoid a life-threatening situation like this at all cost. Chefs are often happy to have a challenge and will sometimes cook you up something simple and divine. Your dining pals might even be envious. When food arrives, confirm with the server that all food is free of the ingredients that can cause you harm. If there is an issue, send it back immediately. A great tactic is to quickly survey the menu and make some suggestions. Such as..."I see you have a crusted Salmon dish with a side of something that would kill me, I also notice that one of your dishes has creamy spinach. "Now watch where I'm going here. The restaurant clearly has Salmon and spinach. So you can kindly ask if the chef can grill with Salmon without any of your allergens and steam or sauté' the Spinach in a bit of oil and garlic. It's likely they will oblige, and then you avoid spinning the server around in circles trying to concoct something crazy. 3. Be Prepared It's a good idea to get cards printed that can be handed to chefs and servers. This way there is no miscommunication or misunderstanding about what food culprits you or you children are dealing with. You can simply hand the card to the chef, it’s not quite as glam as a card that says interior designer, or celebrity florist, but it could be your calling card to a safe, nourishing meal and night out with loved ones. It's best to call a hotel or restaurant ahead. Worth the time. Worth the action. Some restaurants will tell you flat out, we cannot accommodate. Now you know. 4. Travel well I was recently at Hershey Park with my husband and 6-year-old son. I checked with the concierges at Hotel Hershey to see what dining options they recommended at the Amusement park. I also went to the help desk at the park where I was given a map in which they were kind enough to circle the hot spots with allergy friendly options. To my chagrin, it was a total bust. There were gluten free and dairy free options (which they called milk free), but everything and I mean everything had either soy or eggs and almost all items are pre-made. I can have fresh fruit and veggies, which is mostly what I ate. I even stopped at a juice bar there, for a smoothie and was told all the smoothies had some kind of milk product. What??I asked if I could just buy a banana! Bingo! Sustenance. Be creative. Ask for that banana. Ask to see a food label. Ask for assistance. Ask away. It's much better than asking someone to call an ambulance. 5. Shop like your life depends on it Since food allergies can actually mean life or death, it’s good to have some guidelines. Check. Double Check. Then check again. Read labels carefully. The food industry is highly unregulated. Remember that PURE maple syrup does not necessarily mean it's only maple syrup, or that “Pancake” syrup has any “Maple” affiliation. I store bought Organic Maple Syrup by a company called WHOLESOME. The label said Organic Pancake Syrup and had a picture of pancakes and was also strategically placed next to PURE “Maple” syrup. The label touted No High Fructose Corn Syrup, No Preservatives, Gluten-Free. It was sealed with the Non-GMO project verification. The USDA organic label. Sounds like a responsible, delectable breakfast topper. I got it home, was about to pour, and glanced at the label. And holy cow...there was no MAPLE syrup at all, but was Organic Invert Cane Syrup, Natural flavor and Caramel Color! No maple nothing! How's that for false advertising folks? Tea bags can contain soy lecithin and corn. Check your bags, your boxes, your facts, and your supplements. Call manufacturers. Do the homework and pass it on. 6. Carry a survival kit I never travel anywhere without these items. -EPIPEN -Benadryl -Claritin Redi tabs (They go under your tongue and work fast) Being “too cool”, in denial or embarrassed will not get you out of a bad situation or save your life or the life of your child. If a reaction occurs, act on it pronto. Benadryl can only help. If you are not feeling better ASAP, call your doctor and ask about taking a second dose. If you are having any life threatening symptoms, such as throat swelling, throat closing or trouble breathing it’s time to grab the EPIPEN and call 911.There is no shame whatsoever in getting help when you desperately need it. You’re body will do all the talking and if it’s telling you something is terribly wrong, get help right away! 7. Keep your kids safe. If you have a child with severe food allergies, talk to your pediatrician about types of reactions and specific remedies. Make sure you are on the same page. You don’t want to overmedicate your child, and you do wanna know how to act fast in the case of an emergency. Make certain you carry a children’s EPIpen that the school has them on hand and that everyone who teaches, cares for or attends your child is fully aware of the severity of the situation. You can also purchase stickers for your children’s lunchables. Mabel’s Labels does a good job with these. The more information people have, the safer your children will be. 8. Don’t follow the pack. Remember that you are always better safe than sorry. I have graciously sat with a table full of people and sipped tea and enjoyed good conversation, forfeiting the food, if concessions cannot be made. You will not starve if you miss a meal but you could get very ill if you eat something contaminated with an allergen. Skip the cake, skip the calories. Keep your figure. Stay alive! 9.Trust yourself. Trust your body and teach your children to do the same. If something does not feel right, it might very well be wrong. If you feel a reaction coming on, it could be a reaction to something you ate. New food allergies can crop up at any time. Surprise! And worse than this, they do not always show up in skin testing or blood work. Your body will be the best judge of what’s happening. If you cannot get confirmation of a specific allergen through traditional testing, do your own detective work. Try keeping a food diary. It’s amazing what you can uncover when you are keeping track of things. Another item to look into is OAS, which stands for Oral Allergy Syndrome, yet another can of worms. It's a bit complicated but the short of it is that some foods are cross-reactive with seasonal allergies. It’s mostly raw fruits, veggies, nuts and herbs. This is a good list to have on hand; it can be very helpful to sorting things out and staying safe. 10. BYO Don't be afraid to BYO! Bring your own cracker. Bring almond milk for your coffee or oat milk for your latte. Bring your own sun butter, or sandwich, honey or hot sauce. Carry food and carry on. I pack my own gluten free pancakes for park dates with my son. Sometimes I carry crudité, Gomacro bars. Get yourself a stylish little cooler bag. Take that stuff to work, in the car, in the train, to concerts, to the beach. The only thing worse than plummeting sugar levels is that shot of Epinephrine, accompanied by 10 hours of body flushing in the ER. Living with limitations need not be a disaster. Get creative, get educated, get assertive, get a health coach to help you, or become one. I did! Always remember that nothing is more important than your life or the lives of your children. Advocate, Advocate, Advocate, BYO and enjoy a nourished life by treating your body with great love and respect. **** Stacie Rose is a Singer/Songwriter, Mother, Producer, Lover, Blogger, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Holistic Lifestyle Influencer and Free Spirit. She’s super passionate about making music, writing, and helping others create sustainable wellness. Having navigated some very tough terrain she became a certified health coach to help others reclaim their health. Stacie has dealt with severe food allergies, intolerances and acid reflux. She found that all of these conditions can be vastly improved by making diet and lifestyle modifications. She gave IBS the boot by eliminating certain foods and works daily to create balance and cultivate a beautiful, active, nourished life for herself and her family. Her philosophy is that transformation takes positivity, possibility and persistence. Life is a wild ride, so taking good care of the body and mind is where it’s at! xo Stacie


    CURES FOR THE COLD WEATHER BLUES Staying motivated when darkness falls at 5pm can be challenging. The lack of daylight, dulled sunshine, and months of chilly weather can really take you down a peg. Sometimes I just want to wrap myself and my loved ones in Snuggies and hibernate until spring. Weathering the winter can seem like a full time job. Between dry eyes, dry skin, dry scalp, the many colds and viruses floating about, threat of flu and many ailments brought on by sheer exhaustion, it can be bit overwhelming. But, small adjustments to your daily routine and a proactive approach to things can make all the difference in fending off sickness and staying healthy, happy, and beautiful all winter long. Stay connected to your body: You might need to make changes in your diet. I don't mean to "go on a diet," unless, of course, you need to. Packing on the pounds is a winter curse that won't serve your health very well. Stay mindful of your body and how you feel your best. If you're feeling lethargic, uncomfortable, bloated, lacking spirit and spunk and don't fit in your jeans, consider a gym membership, joining a yoga or Pilates studio, investing in an online subscription to Gaia, Yogaanytime, or Myyogaworks. There are so many of them. I love doing Danielle Peazer videos. They’re quick and effective and great when you don’t have time to take a class. You might invest in a Peloton. There are endless options, but you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to stay healthy. Ten minutes of physical activity is much better than none at all. Now, back to diet and nutrition. Eat the right foods: You might need to change your day-to-day habits. Many favor cooling foods in the summer like salads and cold smoothies. Your body might crave warm, nutrient rich, foods that fuel the body and soul in the winter months. Think in terms of warmth and nourishment. Consider swapping out cold cereal for heart-healthy oatmeal. Try wholesome soups (so easy to make yourself with a Vitamix or Blendtec) instead of a cold sandwich or salad, or add a soup or chili to your salad routine. Ever notice how almost every culture has a soup for the soul? Chicken, Miso, Pho, Stracciatella, and so on. Soup is good food. Root veggies are very grounding. Go figure! Comfort foods don't have to be unhealthy. You can show your body comfort and care and help it stay on track by eating warm veggies, stews, drinking teas (like green, mint, chamomile, and ginger) and drinking plenty of water. Watch your sugar intake and keep your energy up in the colder months by eating small meals comprised of anti-inflammatory foods throughout the day. It’s actually a good practice all year long. Take your time when you eat. Make it a gadget-free environment; savor your food and the company whether it's with family, friends, colleagues, or yourself! Stay Hydrated: It's very easy to get dehydrated in the winter when heaters are kicking and there is less moisture in the air. Invest in a Swell bottle, ModernHuman bottle or the like, and tote your water around like your life depends on it. Staving off dehydration could prevent a host of issues from cropping up. Hydration helps with sleep and with detoxification. You can prevent cramping, headaches, skin problems and keep your digestion healthy by staying hydrated. So don't skimp on the H2O. Save your Skin: So many people complain about scaly skin, eczema, flakiness and dry scalp. You kind of need to stay on top of things. Invest in a good night cream. And when I say invest, it doesn't have to cost a lot. There are non-toxic companies like Acure that make a wonderful soothing lavender night cream (works great in the daytime too), One of my faves is Alba Even Advanced Night Cream. Another winner is Pharmacy Green Clean Makeup Melt away Cleansing Balm. It will leave your skin feeling silky and hydrated. Aquaphor works wonders on lips, and cracked fingers. Sky Organics lip balm is a savior and DoTerra makes amazing essential oils and luscious skincare. Cetaphil Restoraderm eczema calming body wash and moisturizer can do wonders for dry patches and if they persist, a trip to a dermatologist is a great idea. You might need a prescription cream to combat the dryness. Shorter, fewer hot showers can also be a big help. If your hands are taking a beating, try Okeeffe’s tried and true Working Hands hand cream. If you've ever considered upping your game and adding a serum to your regimen, now is the time. The right serum can really boost radiance! An appointment with a good facialist or esthetician is a great way to save face! Facials can keep your skin looking lovely, clean and dewy all winter long. It's a lot of bang for your buck. I have been seeing the same esthetician for over 15 years. She not only helps me get my glow on when I desperately need it, she also creates a feeling of calm, restorative bliss and helps recommend targeted, personal, skincare. She is like a skin shaman and everyone should have one. Hair Health: Your hair needs TLC too. I recommend less hair washing, more conditioner. Scalp treatments. You can give yourself an oil treatment at home. Coconut oil does a great job and there are many home treatments like Dr. Haucshka's Neem hair oil. Rub it in, wash it out; it feels amazing. Ask your favorite salon for a deep conditioning treatment. It can make all the difference, help with breakage and add and restore shine! And who doesn't want to shine? Sleep it off: If there was ever a time to be mindful of your zzz's, it's during the winter. Sleep is paramount all year long, but during flu season you really need to keep your body in check. Sleep helps your body restore, repair and fight off illness. You wouldn't try to drive your car with no gas or dive into a pool with no water, would you? Don't attempt to get through cold season with too little sleep. This is the thing to be vigilant about. An extra hour can make all the difference. If you have small children, who are up insanely early you might need to make concessions and schedule sleep. My husband and I shift sleep sometimes. I'll get up with our son early on Saturdays and let my husband sleep. Then, when he wakes up I'll catch a few more zzz's and the boys get quality time together. It's win/win! Do what you must to get that sleep. I have recommended golden milk to my clients who have trouble winding down. You can make it yourself or buy it at most health food shops. Many swear by it. Chamomile tea, an essential oil diffuser with lavender and a few minutes of meditation can be a huge help. Sometimes my hubby and I will take five minutes to meditate together in bed and before five minutes is up, he is snoring! Deep breathing works wonders, too. It seems too simple to work, but the power of deep breathing cannot be overstated. Another nighttime tip is to abstain from eating too close to bedtime, which can exacerbate and even bring on acid reflux. Nobody needs that! Double down: Eating well, sleeping well, exercising and mindfulness are all imperative to good health, especially during this bone-chilling season. But sometimes it's not quite enough. I recommend speaking to your doctor about Probiotics, fish oil. Vitamin D. and Curcumin. Make sure you are taking a good multi-vitamin and try supplementing your meals with super foods like goji berries, cacao, Spirulina, maca, hemp hearts and flax seeds. You can really get a boost from these supplements. You might also add lubricating eye drops to your daily routine to keep itchy, dry eyes at bay and saline nose spray to keep your sinuses clear and your nasal passages from drying out. Adding a humidifier to your nighttime routine can also help in a myriad of ways. If your sleeping space is dry at night (most are during the winter) invest in a good humidifier. Follow the light: An obvious drawback of winter is all the hours spent inside. Getting disciplined about getting outside is big. The lack of light this time of year can be catastrophic to some. We need sunlight on our faces. We need vitamin D. A walk in fresh, crisp air can revive our spirits and give the body the boost it needs to function the way it should. Even a quick brisk walk can do the trick. Try to resist the tendency to hide away. Get out in nature, or at least on your front lawn or street corner. Guilt-free self-care: This is the holy grail of winter wellness strategies. You've probably heard it a thousand times, but do you take it to heart? You should. If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot take proper care of others. The care you give your body, mind and spirit is beyond important. If you are stressed out, twisted up, or riddled with tension, consider some yoga or a deep tissue massage. If you gave up purchasing all the unnecessary items, fancy drinks and such on a monthly basis you could spring for a massage. At the very least, call a your mother or a good friend. Your soul sisters will keep you sane. Guys need this stuff too! Style yourself warm: Two words...Retail therapy. Invest in a warm scarf, gorgeous hat, toasty boots, and really good gloves. You don't have to spend a fortune. You can find the cutest hats at H&M, Gap, Zara, outdoor markets, or even Target. Investing in UGG gloves could be the way to go if your hands are always cold. Keep your extremities warm; add some flair to your sleeping bag coat. Never underestimate the power of a poncho, wrap or shawl. They make great accessories and great gifts. Invest in yourself for real: Consider an integrative health coach, a fitness expert such as a trainer, a membership to an exercise studio, a trip to the acupuncturist, physician’s office or a functional medicine practitioner if your health feels imbalanced. Find a therapist if you are struggling in your life. The world is finally getting the hint that mental heath is vital to your entire sense of well-being. Invest in plants, non-toxic products, especially during the winter months when doors and windows are closed and there is less ventilation. Take baths, take time off. Caring for your mind, body and spirit is a beautiful thing and will result in the most beautiful you! Ask for recommendations, do research, take good care of yourself and enjoy all the wonders of winter including staycationing, resting when you need to, reading, reconnecting with your heart’s desires, writing, listening to music, getting cozy by firelight and reflecting on life. And don't forget to sing! The best remedy for the winter blues may actually be... singing them away!

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